One of the biggest vulnerabilities for any organization today is sitting inside people’s email accounts. Email, and the old, legacy paperclip we use for attaching files, are responsible for an estimated 91% of cyberattacks for companies globally, often resulting in debilitating data leaks that can devastate an organization. Incoming attachments via the traditional paperclip leaves you vulnerable to several risks, such as phishing scams and other malicious scripts. We’ve listed the major reasons below your company is at risk if you’re still using the standard paperclip for sending and receiving files.
Data Leaks & Data Loss
Data leaks and data loss are a bigger risk than you thought. Employees leaking information to unauthorized parties is one of the more commonly known ways for your company data to fall into the wrong hands. But it can be far worse than that. Just look at how Microsoft executives were hacked for months before it was discovered. Bad actors accessed their accounts and were able to spy on the information being transmitted back and forth. If they had used Document GPS their attachments wouldn’t have been so vulnerable since they had an extra layer of protection around them. Here at ShelterZoom we compare it to the security that comes with storing valuable items in safe deposit boxes instead of a secure vault. With a vault as soon as one person breaks in, everything inside is up for grabs. But with safe deposit boxes you have to access each one individually. With our innovative Document GPS solution when you tokenize each file it’s just like putting it inside a safe deposit box where it has its own layer of protection built around it.
The potential economic and reputational damage from breaches such as these measure in the millions of dollars. If you combine regulatory fines, costs of mitigation, loss of clients (both potential and existing) and the years it takes to recover, one single data breach can devastate an organization.
Document GPS doesn’t just protect you from data leaks you don’t know are taking place, but it also offers multiple methods for preventing sharing of files you have willingly sent but you don’t want them to be shared outside of authorized recipients. With our solution not only can you control who is allowed to download or share each file, but you can prevent sharing after downloading with our multi-featured Advanced Screenshot Block.
Nearly every week there is news of devastating ransomware attacks, often demanding sums in the millions of dollars and rendering the organization unable to continue operations. When it comes to healthcare the ransom amounts are usually much higher and more debilitating. Often these ransomware attacks begin by an employee clicking on a malicious link or opening a file with scripts that run automatically and infiltrate their device. When you use Document GPS you can require any attachments being sent to you come via your Secure Link which is automatically a strong deterrent to bad actors. Besides being a deterrent the virus scan will check for anything suspicious before you can view the file and you can view it in a browser tab first without downloading it so your device is less likely to be compromised.
Wire Fraud
Multiple industries have been hard hit by wire fraud simply because emails were intercepted or being spied on, often by people within the organization who were just waiting for the right time to pounce. Any information sent using the traditional paperclip is susceptible to being accessed and when escrow or other account information is involved the stakes become much greater. Using Document GPS secures your documents–and can even include encrypted, private messages—so you drastically lower your risk of anyone accessing your files without your permission. Disable your old paperclip today to protect your company and your clients from losing money to scammers just waiting for you to let your guard down.
Email attachments have become so commonplace that we don’t even think about how vulnerable they are to an organization. Data loss is only getting worse and now is the time to protect your company before it is too late. Sign up for Document GPS or book a quick demo with one of our staff to see what you’ve been missing.