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ShelterZoom is honored to announce

ShelterZoom is honored to announce we have been included in not one, but two Gartner Hype Cycle reports for 2023. We are in the Hype Cycle Blockchain & Web3 and the Hype Cycle for Open Source Software, both under the category of Web 2.5.

As Gartner explains, they added the category of Web 2.5 to this year’s Hype Cycle due to its, “key role of driving blockchain adoption”. Our flexible solutions, which require little to no change management, are designed to accelerate adoption at scale and fit seamlessly within an organization’s existing workflow. We are one of the first companies to bring to market a way for blockchain to become mainstream without major uplift for either individuals or organizations.

For more information about our solutions, contact us at or download today from any of these places.

Microsoft AppSource:

App Store:

Chrome Store:

Google Play Store

Want to learn more? Book a quick demo with us here:

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