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Month: July 2023

crains New York business

Entrepreneur Includes ShelterZoom’s Healthcare Solutions As Answer To Several MedTech Challenges

“The idea is to help patients outmaneuver the crushing bureaucracy many people face when seeing multiple doctors or specialists.” –Entrepreneur Magazine, describing

“It’s a when not an if.”

“It’s a when not an if.” This is from the executive director at National Cybersecurity Alliance discussing #healthcare hacks and how common

AI Creates Security Risks and Attack Vectors. Can Blockchain Help?

Our CEO Chao Cheng-Shorland shared her thoughts on CoinDesk about the existing and upcoming threats posed by #AI and how #web3 technologies

Manage your attachments with ease

Manage your attachments with ease. Click on the GPS dropdown inside your email account to access the Track, Revoke, Add and other

Fight Against Rental Fraud

Document GPS is a way to fight against #fraud, especially in the #realestate and #rental market. As #rentalfraud reaches more sophisticated methods,

Stop Your Information From Floating Around The Internet

Need to share information, but don’t want it to float around the internet out of your control? With Document GPS you can

How Health Care Can Fight Life-Threatening Data Breaches

The number of healthcare breaches has surged recently and the problem is only getting worse. ShelterZoom President Allen Alishahi wrote this thought

Chao Cheng-Shorland: Cybersecurity, The Good, Bad, & Ugly of Information Online EP361

The dangers—and opportunities—of transferring data and files in a web3 world are immense. Our CEO Chao Cheng-Shorland spoke to Michael Brian about

Thank you Law360

Thanks to Law360 for covering the latest news about our company milestones, funding rounds and the huge interest we have seen in

Revoke Their Access

It is worrying to think about all the things you have sent people online. As your life continues coming together, others may

Web 3 vs Web 2 vs Web 1

At the dawn of digital civilization, people like you and I had little use. We could digest content, but we could not

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